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Preventative Health Care

Which Activity Is Included in Preventative Healthcare?

Preventive healthcare is a key component of any good healthcare plan. By taking care of yourself, you can avoid expensive and time-consuming visits to the doctor’s office and keep your body strong and healthy. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires all plans to include a certain level of preventative services at no cost to you.

The benefits of (ACA) ACT

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifies that all preventative services are covered in full by health plans at no cost to you. The ACA requires all plans to cover preventative services with no cost-sharing, including:

1. Annual well-women visits (which include a Pap test and pelvic exam)

2. Breastfeeding support and counseling

3. Bone mass measurement screening for postmenopausal women

In addition, your plan must cover the following without requiring you to meet any out-of-pocket expenses:

Preventive Care

Your insurance plan may cover a range of preventive services, including:

1. Well-child checkups: These are important to make sure your child is healthy and has no problems that need treatment.

2. Immunizations: Vaccines protect against diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) or chickenpox by triggering the body’s immune system to create antibodies that fight off infection from these viruses in the future. Some vaccines are also given at certain ages because they protect against certain types of cancer later in life — for example, hepatitis B vaccination can prevent liver cancer later on in life; HPV vaccination prevents cervical cancer; polio prevents polio paralysis; influenza vaccination helps protect against flu complications like pneumonia or death from respiratory failure during an outbreak; tetanus toxoid prevents tetanus toxin from entering nerve cells so they don’t become paralyzed when exposed through cuts or open wounds

Assessment Of Children’s Development

Under the ACA, your plan must cover your child’s annual physical and developmental assessments, which include vision and hearing tests.

1. An annual physical is a doctor’s visit that includes a check-up of all of your child’s major body systems: heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver; nervous system (brain); digestive system; endocrine system (hormones).

2. A developmental assessment measures how well your baby is growing physically and mentally at each stage of development in order to identify any potential problems or delays early on so that they can be addressed with therapy or other interventions before they become more severe problems later on in childhood or adulthood. This information also helps you as parents understand what kind of care will be most appropriate for your child from infancy through adulthood so that you can prepare accordingly if necessary!

There are no specific requirements about how often these services should be provided under ACA regulations but generally speaking, most plans offer coverage once per year after birth up until age 18 (or 21 if still in school). If yours does not cover these services then ask yourself why not? And consider switching providers immediately because this could help keep everyone healthier longer into their lives.”

Cancer Screenings for Women

Your plan may also be required to cover a subset of the recommended cancer screenings for women beyond the requirements listed above.

1. Cervical cancer screening: Your plan must cover at least one type of cervical cancer screening test (Pap smear or HPV test) every three years unless your doctor recommends you get it more often based on your health and risk factors.

2. Mammogram: Your plan must cover at least one mammogram every two years if you’re 40 or older and don’t have symptoms that might mean you need treatment right away. If you’re younger than 40 but at high risk because of family history or other factors, then your doctor may recommend getting screened more often than once every two years–and this can count as part of your preventative care coverage if it’s covered by your plan.* Colonoscopy: If your doctor thinks it’s necessary based on symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, or change in bowel habits (for example), then they can order an annual colonoscopy as part of their preventive care services.* Bone density test: If osteoporosis runs in your family or if there are other reasons why bone loss could be an issue for you (such as being underweight), ask about getting tested for this condition with a DEXA scan every two years starting at age 65.* Prostate cancer screening

Keep Yourself Healthy

Preventive care is the best way to keep yourself healthy, so it’s important to make sure you have coverage for all of your needs. If you’re not already enrolled in a health insurance plan, this is a great time to research your options and find one that fits your budget while still providing comprehensive coverage.

Some people may not have insurance at all–and others may only have limited plans with high deductibles or co-pays that don’t cover preventive services like physicals and check-ups (or even routine lab tests). In these cases, there are other ways you can pay for these services without breaking the bank:


As you can see, there are many different forms of preventative health care that are covered by your plan. It’s important to make sure that you have coverage for all of your needs and know what is required under the ACA. If you have any questions about what services are included in your coverage or if there are any gaps in coverage, talk with your doctor or another healthcare provider right away!